Tag Archives: Team RMHC

A Reason to Run For

By Kyla Burkitt and Luke Williams


Jan Amarasekara would not have considered herself a runner three years ago. She didn’t have a reason to run. That all changed when her brother passed after an ongoing battle with a heart condition and depression. After months of struggling to get back to a normal routine, she picked up the habit of running, which helped her forget the pain and instead focus on her health. She went from barely being able to run a half mile in 2012 to running five miles every day in 2013. After seeing the runners when she was volunteering at the 2014 Columbus Marathon, Jan knew she wanted to complete a marathon at least once in her own life.

She decided now was the time, and registered for the 2015 Columbus Marathon. She wanted to complete the marathon for more than just herself, and was compelled to make every mile matter. As a volunteer at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio, she decided she wanted to run this marathon not only to honor the life of her brother but to also give hope to all of the families at RMHC. She decided to join Team RMHC because it is the perfect opportunity to give each step meaning.
Team RMHC is Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio’s very own fundraising and running team. This season, participants will be training for the Nationwide Children’s Columbus Marathon and Half Marathon on October 18th all while fundraising for the families of seriously ill children that stay at RMHC of Central Ohio. Since the beginning of Team RMHC, runners have raised over $50,000. That’s over 2,500 nights of rest for our RMHC families!

If you would like to support Jan and her fundraising goal for Team RMHC, click here. For more information about Team RMHC and to find out how you can register click here.

Why I Joined Team RMHC for the Cap City Half Marathon

By Katie Cannon, Team RMHC Member

Katie (left) with Rachel at the Cap City Half-Marathon

Katie (left) with Rachel at the Cap City Half-Marathon

I promised myself that I would run a half marathon before I turned 50. Being that my longest run ever was 4 miles, this truly would be a major accomplishment for me.

I am not a runner. In fact, I hate to run. When I saw that the Columbus Ronald McDonald House had a fundraising team for the half marathon, I joined immediately. Running for RMHC was the incentive I needed to keep on training, especially because I have personally witnessed why the Columbus Ronald McDonald House is a necessity for families at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. I couldn’t give up on myself because I would then be giving up on the families that needed the RMH!

My oldest child, Rachel, was born on December 4th, 1991, with a very serious heart defect. Her first three months of life and many, many future days and weeks were spent in Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

During this stressful time, my ex-husband and I had the luxury of our child being hospitalized in the city in which we actually lived. We could go home every night to our own bed; our families kept our fridge stocked with food, and we never lacked for visitors to sit with us during the scariest times ever of our whole lives!

I couldn’t even imagine dealing with a Rachel’s hospitalization, far from our own home and support system. Yet I met so many parents that were doing exactly that and remaining strong because of the Ronald McDonald House. Until my time with Rachel at Children’s, I just thought the Ronald McDonald House was basically a hotel that parents could stay in for a very small cost. Wow, was I ever wrong!

The Ronald McDonald House does provide the hotel-type rooms at very little or no costs. However, it provides so much more. RMHC families get a true family to go home to every night by just walking across the street, instead of driving hours to their far away homes. There are home cooked meals waiting every night. Most importantly, because of volunteers, there is a built in support system, to help through those very long and scary times.

Thank you to RMHC of Central Ohio! I am so proud to have helped this great cause! I thank you for being the incentive to check “run a half marathon before you are 50” off of the bucket list!

To learn more about Team RMHC, click here.

Running #forRMHC

By Amber Fosler

Elias1When my friends and I partnered with Columbus Running Company to form Love 2 Reach (L2R), our goal was to use physical fitness as a way to reach out to our community. We would train to walk and run full and half marathons while raising money and volunteering time to a local charity. I was pregnant when we selected Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio as our benefactor. I knew it was a great organization but I could have never guessed what a huge impact Ronald McDonald House would have on my life.

I trained with L2R through much of my pregnancy. A month after my son, Elias, was born, I jumped back into training; this time with a run stroller and a sidekick. A week after Elias’s first training, he was diagnosed with a rare liver disease, biliary atresia. Two weeks later, he had major abdominal surgery at Nationwide Children’s Hospital but we were cautioned that most babies with biliary atresia need a liver transplant before they reach kindergarten. To say this was a stressful time is an understatement.

As he recovered from surgery, we tried to just settle into our life as a family of three. I struggled to find the balance of being back to work, being a new mom and training for a “comeback” half marathon. My husband has been amazing and knows that without running and race walking, I couldn’t possibly have any sense of balance. Getting in mileage is the one thing that is truly a stress reliever and he made sure Elias I had time to get out there. Being out on the trails is the place I dealt with the emotions of my son’s diagnosis. It is where I went to feel like myself when the rest of my world felt like chaos.

Elias’s health took a very quick turn for the worse at the beginning of the year. I found myself crying as I called the airline to cancel my flight to Orlando for what was supposed to be my 10th half marathon. I was crying because my post-baby comeback race wasn’t to be. I was crying because my 6 month old baby was in Intensive Care.

January and February had more days in the hospital than at home. We faced life threatening complications, two calls to 911, two ambulance rides and two helicopter rides to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. The only running and walking that happened was within the walls of a hospital.

Elias’s amazing pediatrician and the equally amazing team at Nationwide Children’s GI clinic saved my son’s life with his early diagnosis. They carefully monitored his care until his liver started to fail. Nationwide Children’s doesn’t currently perform liver transplants, which is how we found ourselves at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

My son was added to the national liver transplant list in January. By mid-February, Elias was in acute liver failure. He was running out of time waiting for a deceased donor. While my husband and I tried to get through each hour, each day with our very sick baby, a gift was in the works. My husband’s cousin, Zac, was evaluated to be a living liver donor. He was a match. On February 26th of this year, our hero, Zac, donated a portion of his liver to Elias. Zac selflessly gave Elias the gift of life and gave our family hope.

Since January, we have spent a total of 58 days at Ronald McDonald House of Pittsburgh. My involvement with Ronald McDonald House came full circle. The House came to my family’s rescue during a very dark time. They gave us a place to rest our head. A place to let out the emotions we tried to hide from Elias while he was in the hospital. It gave us a clean, safe place to bring Elias post-transplant before his team felt he was stable enough to return to Columbus. I have no idea where we would have gone without Ronald McDonald House. I went from knowing it was a great organization to experiencing it firsthand.

Elias is now 15 months old and is nearly 8 months post-transplant and he’s thriving. He’s gaining weight, meeting his developmental milestones and keeping us on our toes but now for good reasons. Life threatening complications have been replaced by an ornery boy unrolling toilet paper and playing in the cat’s water bowl.

Since we returned to Columbus in April, I’ve been able to hit the trails again. While I wasn’t able to commit to the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Half Marathon due to a follow-up surgery Elias had scheduled at the beginning of October, I trained as if I was going to race. However, the stars aligned in the 11th hour. Three days before the half marathon, after 11 days in Pittsburgh for his surgery, we arrived back home. Someone gave me a race bib and on Sunday morning, I lined up at the start for my tenth half marathon and my first post-baby half marathon. It was like a big party at the end of a very long and heartbreaking journey. Passing by Nationwide Children’s Hospital during the race was very emotional since we spent so much time within those walls. Running through the Angel Mile was even more emotional because not a day goes by that I don’t feel gratitude that we are one of the lucky families and our little man survived.

Once again, running and race walking has given me an outlet to process everything my family has been through this year. It’s given me an outlet to relieve stress but is a reminder to be thankful that Elias is still my training sidekick and L2R’s unofficial mascot.


Summer of Service

By Megan Koester

Volunteer at the Golf Classic

Volunteering at the Golf Classic is a great way to give back to RMHC this summer

Summer is a time when people are looking for fun things to do outside the House. As a mom of two kids, we are always looking for a new activity as a family. While my little guys are still a bit too young to take on the town, I have found myself in the midst of a lot of mommy conversations centered around options for the summer. People plan for camps, trips to the zoo and days at the pool but still look for more things to do to make memories during their time together. Recently, I have had several moms ask about opportunities to get involved at The Ronald McDonald House over the summer. The House provides a great opportunity to do activities as a family for the right reasons. Here are ten ways you can get involved at the Columbus Ronald McDonald House and add a little bit of service to the season.

  1. Collect pop tabs – Pull the tabs off of those cans of pop or soup and save them for the House. When you have collected a bag or two or three, bring them to the House and drop them off. We recycle them and use the money to help fund our operations.
  2. Snack Stop – Come to the house and make grab and go snacks for our families. You can create an assembly line of nonperishable things and put together snack bags or you can come and bake some treats that families can grab to take with them on long days at the hospital. Email Kate.Ziegler@rmhc-centralohio.org to get scheduled for a baking group!
  3. Lemonade Stand – Hot weather creates the need for a good cold glass of lemonade. Set up a lemonade stand in your neighborhood or at a local store and raise money for RMHC.
  4. RMHC Joe Mortellaro Golf Classic – Join us on July 14th as we host the largest golf tournament in Central Ohio. You can come and golf with us on one of four courses in Dublin – here is our golf packet link to register and  if that little white ball scares you, please come and volunteer to make the day a success! 
  5. Hold a wish list drive – Work with your neighbors, friends and community groups to hold a wish list drive for the House. In order to make our house a home we look to our friends to help collect items that we need on a daily basis for our families. Items such as Lysol wipes, sandwich bags and more can be found on our website. Try asking people to bring an item to your house for your next cook out.
  6. Start training – Join Team RMHC and train to run or walk the Columbus Marathon and Half Marathon this fall. We will provide the training schedule, fundraising ideas and a lot of team spirit to help you train for this event. The entire family can get involved with cheering and fundraising while the adults take on the miles.
  7. Test out our newly renovated kitchen – Sign up to make a meal for families staying at The Ronald McDonald House. You can access the calendar here.  You can come make breakfast, lunch or dinner in our brand new kitchen.
  8. Volunteer for the Food Truck Festival – On August 15th and 16th, Columbus will host the Food Truck Festival at The Columbus Commons. Come out and try out the amazing food served by all of these food trucks. RMHC is the benefiting charity and we are looking for adults to volunteer and help us with ticket sales and beer booths. Email Kate.Ziegler@rmhc-centralohio.org to sign up to volunteer for this fun event!
  9. House Projects – Schedule a time to come to the House and help us with projects as we get ready to open our expansion. Just like your home, these projects change daily and may include anything from making beds in the new wing to helping us clean and reorganize a few of our new areas in the house.
  10. Dig It for the House – Come join us on August 23rd for sand volleyball! Adults can register for our Dig It for the House Sand Volleyball Tournament at Flannigan’s. This is a great way to gather friends and have some fun on a summer Saturday. Teams register by ability and have the opportunity to fundraise for a spot in the VIP Lounge!

A Cause to Run For

By Emily Smith

Emily and Will post 2012 Columbus Marathon

Emily and Will post 2012 Columbus Marathon

Will and Emily

Almost three years ago, my family went through a horrific automobile accident that left my youngest brother, Will, in critical condition with a traumatic brain injury. He eventually was sent to Nationwide Children’s Hospital here in Columbus and was cared for by the most wonderful staff. Will spent over four months on the rehabilitation floor working hard on his recovery and my family was fortunate enough to be there 24/7. We live about an hour’s drive from the hospital, and without the comfort and services that the Columbus Ronald McDonald House provided, we would not have been able to be near Will as often or as comfortable as we were. I truly believe Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio had a direct impact in Will’s recovery because without it, our family would have been more stressed and not have been able to be as active in his rehab.

The Ronald McDonald House provided a home away from home where we could relax after a long and often emotional day at the hospital. The House was a short walk across the street from the hospital and they provided three meals a day, a comfortable bed to flop down on and get a good night’s rest, a warm shower, laundry, a workout room, a library of books, and the best part: a community in which you healed and comforted one another while meeting strangers and sharing your stories over dinner.

I come from a family of runners, always training with our minds focused on the next race ahead. Running serves as my outlet, my way of relieving the stress of the day and serves as my time to reflect on what has happened during the day. During our stay at the House, I became very familiar with the workout room and the treadmill and although I prefer running outside, I would look forward to the afternoons I was able to unwind to the monotonous “clop, clop” of my feet hitting the belt. Believe it or not, I trained for a half-marathon in that room.

Will, being hugged by his sister, was chosen as one of the 2012 Patient Champions for the Columbus Marathon

Will, being hugged by his sister, was chosen as one of the 2012 Patient Champions for the Columbus Marathon

A year after the accident and our long residence at the House, I decided to run the 2012 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon as a member of Team Ronald McDonald House Charities, also known as Team RMHC. It was my way of giving back to the two organizations that gave so much to my family, and a small way to say ‘thank you’ to the countless individuals who took care of us during our time in need. The run was incredible. Previous patients deemed ‘Patient Champions’ line the course and cheer you on, meanwhile you cannot help but think it should be the other way around. I knew my brother was out on the course and anxiously looked for him the whole race. By mile 25 I was exhausted and upset that he was not at the two spots my dad told me to look for them. However, toward the end of mile 25 I spotted Will—he was standing (with assistance from my dad) and was cheering me on. Needless to say, I was crying while I crossed the finish line.

I will be running the Columbus Marathon again this year as a part of Team Ronald McDonald House Charities and I encourage you to do the same. As a team member, we fundraise for the House—a place that provides a home-away-from-home for countless families going through what might be the worst time of their lives. The House is a beacon of hope and warmth and the reward you will feel giving to this place will be invaluable.

*If interested in learning more about Team RMHC, please reach out to Darla Stover at Darla.Stover@rmhc-centralohio.org*