A Heart of Gold

Jan Arrick has been a volunteer with the Ronald McDonald House for over a decade. Below is an account of how she got involved with the House. Jan’s warm heart for the families at the Ronald McDonald House is a true blessing to our guests.


Jan Arrick, RMHC Volunteer

“Many years ago a dear friend of mine asked if I would be interested in volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, then located in a beautifully renovated apartment building on 18th St. At the time my husband and I were busy raising our four daughters, and with their crazy schedules, Jerry’s working and officiating basketball games, and me trying to keep up with running the house, I declined.”

“Now, fast-forward a few years and see our girls somewhat older and more self-sufficient, Jerry ‘retired’ (he was actually disabled) and I decided to see what I could do to help at the Ronald McDonald House. So I began volunteering one evening a month. Soon after that the “new” House was built and I began working there along with my eldest grandson, Ryan once a week. Before long Ryan graduated high school and joined the Marines, so I recruited Jerry. Jerry and I worked once a week and fell in love with the people we worked with, and the families that we served.”

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the Columbus Ronald McDonald House, visit rmhc-centralohio.org/volunteer.php.

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