Monthly Archives: April 2014

April Showers Bring May Flowers

By Dee Anders

The best flower coming this May will be opening the new rooms at the Ronald McDonald House in central Ohio. Even though the entire project will not be complete yet, we will have more guest rooms to accommodate all the families who have a child being treated in central Ohio hospitals. We are so grateful to our volunteers, board members, and community supporters who have supported Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio during this expansion. Most of all, we send our love and appreciation to the families who have weathered the expansion and renovation with us. The month of May will be a time to celebrate, do some spring cleaning and welcome families with open arms at the Columbus Ronald McDonald House.


Progress in the new wing!

Progress in the new wing!

Industrial Kitchen

Industrial Kitchen

Family bathroom in the new wing

Family bathroom in the new wing

A Cause to Run For

By Emily Smith

Emily and Will post 2012 Columbus Marathon

Emily and Will post 2012 Columbus Marathon

Will and Emily

Almost three years ago, my family went through a horrific automobile accident that left my youngest brother, Will, in critical condition with a traumatic brain injury. He eventually was sent to Nationwide Children’s Hospital here in Columbus and was cared for by the most wonderful staff. Will spent over four months on the rehabilitation floor working hard on his recovery and my family was fortunate enough to be there 24/7. We live about an hour’s drive from the hospital, and without the comfort and services that the Columbus Ronald McDonald House provided, we would not have been able to be near Will as often or as comfortable as we were. I truly believe Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio had a direct impact in Will’s recovery because without it, our family would have been more stressed and not have been able to be as active in his rehab.

The Ronald McDonald House provided a home away from home where we could relax after a long and often emotional day at the hospital. The House was a short walk across the street from the hospital and they provided three meals a day, a comfortable bed to flop down on and get a good night’s rest, a warm shower, laundry, a workout room, a library of books, and the best part: a community in which you healed and comforted one another while meeting strangers and sharing your stories over dinner.

I come from a family of runners, always training with our minds focused on the next race ahead. Running serves as my outlet, my way of relieving the stress of the day and serves as my time to reflect on what has happened during the day. During our stay at the House, I became very familiar with the workout room and the treadmill and although I prefer running outside, I would look forward to the afternoons I was able to unwind to the monotonous “clop, clop” of my feet hitting the belt. Believe it or not, I trained for a half-marathon in that room.

Will, being hugged by his sister, was chosen as one of the 2012 Patient Champions for the Columbus Marathon

Will, being hugged by his sister, was chosen as one of the 2012 Patient Champions for the Columbus Marathon

A year after the accident and our long residence at the House, I decided to run the 2012 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon as a member of Team Ronald McDonald House Charities, also known as Team RMHC. It was my way of giving back to the two organizations that gave so much to my family, and a small way to say ‘thank you’ to the countless individuals who took care of us during our time in need. The run was incredible. Previous patients deemed ‘Patient Champions’ line the course and cheer you on, meanwhile you cannot help but think it should be the other way around. I knew my brother was out on the course and anxiously looked for him the whole race. By mile 25 I was exhausted and upset that he was not at the two spots my dad told me to look for them. However, toward the end of mile 25 I spotted Will—he was standing (with assistance from my dad) and was cheering me on. Needless to say, I was crying while I crossed the finish line.

I will be running the Columbus Marathon again this year as a part of Team Ronald McDonald House Charities and I encourage you to do the same. As a team member, we fundraise for the House—a place that provides a home-away-from-home for countless families going through what might be the worst time of their lives. The House is a beacon of hope and warmth and the reward you will feel giving to this place will be invaluable.

*If interested in learning more about Team RMHC, please reach out to Darla Stover at*

No Task Too Large

By Tk Christenson

Tk with her grandchildren

Tk with her grandchildren

In March of 2013, I became a housewarming volunteer at the Columbus Ronald McDonald House. I was looking for an opportunity to help others. My children and grandchildren have needed the services of Nationwide Children’s Hospital on occasion. I felt the Ronald McDonald House was a place where I could help support others with children in central Ohio hospitals no matter what I was doing at the house.

My favorite part of volunteering is seeing the smiles on people’s faces when you are listening to them or providing them with something they need. One day, a father was checking out of the Ronald McDonald House, and I had not seen him before. He looked at me and said, “I want to tell you guys that you saved our lives.” Since I had not met him before I said, “It must feel good to go home.” He replied, “Yes, we were only here for three days, but you all were here for us during a critical time.  We will always be grateful.” Hearing him say this just overwhelmed me and I was happy I was there to help.

After I became a volunteer, I decided to increase my commitment to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio by adopting two rooms – one in memory of my husband and the other in memory of my mother. My husband was the kind of person who would give the shirt off his back if he felt you needed it and was always protective of others. My mother was a strong woman who was a social worker and a dedicated teacher who she spent her life around children. I felt this was a great way to honor my mother and husband while providing needed rooms for families of hospitalized children.

Occasionally, I will bring my granddaughter in to help at the Columbus Ronald McDonald House and love that she can see the House. I am hoping these experiences will provide her an understanding of the importance of helping others.

I love working with the dedicated talented crew of volunteers and staff, many of whom have had distinguished careers. We are a community of volunteers with no task too large or small to tackle together.

Something Special

By Meika Willis

Meika with her sons

Meika with her sons

My experience with the House began when I volunteered with my work group. We split into two groups, half of us cleaned while the other half of our group baked treats for the families. I was on cleaning duty and loved it! We were given a tour of the House and right away, I was certain something special was going on within those walls! Shortly after that initial visit, I became a Housewarming volunteer on a recurring shift.

While I was pregnant with my second son I was offered a great position at Nationwide Children’s Hospital which impacted the amount of time I had to volunteer. Even when I was not volunteering on a regular basis, I knew my heart was still drawn to the Columbus Ronald McDonald House, and I wanted to be a part of this extraordinary organization.

Since this past summer, I have been given the privilege of walking through our doors at 711 E. Livingston Avenue to serve our families and volunteers on a daily basis! I am able to connect on different levels with so many people of various walks of life. It is an honor to be able to serve and interact with our families and alongside our fantastic volunteers.

I am still in awe of how I feel when I am in the House and I know just how fortunate I am to have my dream job! For me, I have always felt something in the House that is so tangible I can reach out and wrap my arms around it. I now know it is the compassion and selflessness of our volunteers that envelopes our families and patients while they are coping with life altering events.

What the World Needs

Dear RMHC,

sounds of love, inc, infant, baby, neonate, neonatology, nicu

My son was in the ICU at Nationwide Children’s Hospital for eight days. This time was extremely stressful for my husband and me. When we came to the hospital, we had nothing with us, not even a toothbrush. In fact, I was still in my work uniform. We stayed in the hospital room with our son for the first night and barely slept. By morning, we were both a nervous wreck. Our nerves were so shot, my husband and I started to argue. Then a social worker told us we could go to the Ronald McDonald House to take a little break, but I was hesitant. I did not want to leave my son, but I knew I needed some time away to pull myself together to see to his care. We decided to give the Columbus Ronald McDonald House a try.

The beds were so comfortable, it was impossible not to get a decent night of sleep at the Ronald McDonald House. After one night, I was able to think more clearly. However, the best part was that volunteers provided free meals. In the first day and a half, we spend $40 on drinks and food. We felt miserable eating vending machine food and living on pop and coffee. I cannot imagine what we would have spent in eight days. We would have been totally broke!

It is heartwarming to know that with all of the entitlement in our society, there are still people who give of themselves with no thoughts about monetary rewards. As a former McDonald’s employee, I remember the convenient change boxes at the register for Ronald McDonald House Charities, and how I would put my change in the boxes. I had always hoped it was being put to good use, but I never expected to find out first hand. I am so thankful and grateful Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio is here. This is exactly what the world needs. This is exactly what we needed! Thank you, RMHC!


Jonathan and Elizabeth