Monthly Archives: March 2014


By Ryan Wilkins

I VOTED MATTA-01Growing up, my mom told me “you can do anything you put your mind to,” and I always believed her. If someone would have told me that we would win a national contest on ESPN three years in a row, I would have had a hard time believing that. I guess if a community puts their mind and heart to something, we can accomplish that goal.

The first year we were privileged enough to be selected by Coach Thad Matta of The Ohio State University, we were thrilled to even be selected. Our team worked tremendously hard, well beyond what anyone could expect, to generate support in Central Ohio for Coach Matta. I can distinctly remember standing in a drive through at the McDonald’s in Lancaster knocking on people’s windows and asking them to “vote Matta.” Some of them thought I was crazy. Others were afraid, but it was worth it. We thought Coach Matta could win, and we put our minds to it.

And you know what? He did win, generating a $100,000 donation to RMHC of Central Ohio. We were beyond excited. Then we got the phone call later that year that Coach Matta had again been selected as one of the top 48 coaches in the nation, would be in the Coaches’ Charity Challenge, and had selected RMHC of Central Ohio for the second year in a row. We knew it would take a huge community effort, but a repeat win for Coach was attainable. Once again, the community of Central Ohio stepped up and showed the nation that Columbus is the most generous community in the world. Another $100,000 donation to RMHC of Central Ohio on behalf of Coach Matta, making our running total $200,000.

So when we found out that Coach Matta was in the contest for a third year, and had selected our charity yet again, we all thought a three-peat was a long shot. However, that never stopped our community. We all redoubled our efforts, worked harder than ever before to help Coach Matta rise to the top, and once again, win the Coaches’ Charity Challenge. The three-peat was official, bringing our grand total from the contest to $300,000.

Needless to say, we love Coach Matta and the Buckeyes. How could you not? Coach is one of the most genuinely kind and thoughtful people we have ever met, and he cares deeply about not only success on the court, but off the court as well. We are proud to have him as our friend at the Ronald McDonald House.

Coach Matta, you are a true hero to our families. Thank you for your support. Columbus, you have really outdone yourselves. Way to go! We can’t thank you enough for your undying support of the families we serve.

With Love from a Lady Jacket

                                   By Brett Letestu

Brett with her husband and two children

Brett with her husband and two children

My name is Brett Letestu, but some of you may know me as “the Canadian with the Minnesotan accent.” My husband and I came to Columbus less than three years ago when he joined the Columbus Blue Jackets hockey team. We now live here full-time with our sons, Caleb and Dylan.

Giving back is very important to us. Although we may move more often than the average family, we always look for ways we can contribute to each community we live in.

I first became involved with the Ronald McDonald House last winter after touring the facility with my fellow Lady Jackets. I was so impressed with the enormous amount of hard work our neighbors in Columbus did to make this sanctuary for families a reality. On a more personal level, I was thrilled to see the Blue Jackets involvement and immediately asked what I could do to help.

Shortly after that tour, I began volunteering at the house weekly. I help with everything from answering the phones, to cleaning room after a family checks out, to doing laundry and stocking shelves. In my time at the Columbus Ronald McDonald House, I’ve met some of the most amazing, inspiring people and made some true friends for life. Honestly, I never imagined my time there would impact my life as much as it has. I’m deeply humbled to be even a small part of an organization that provides so much comfort to so many in need.

Besides volunteering, the Lady Jackets also organize special projects and events to help the the Columbus Ronald McDonald House even more. During the holidays, we joined forces with the Blue Jackets Foundation to organize a Blue Jackets Favorites Basket Auction and Raffle. We gathered a variety of our husbands’ favorite things to be auctioned off, including game worn items, game consoles, golf items and their favorite candy, movies and gift cards to their favorite restaurants. The proceeds went to the charity of our choice—and of course we chose Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio!

Most recently, we’ve started designing and outfitting a “Princess Room” as part of the current expansion project. As the mother of two boys, this is particularly exciting for me—I’ll finally get to help design a room with pink, princesses and glitter! We’re also working hard to gather ideas and materials to make this room come to life. We hope to get inside the room and begin making the magic happen by beginning of May, and we’ll be sure to update you on our progress.

We’re grateful and humbled to have this opportunity to help make little girls’ dreams come true, and look forward to celebrating the room’s completion with—what else? —a Grand Opening Tea Party!

As mentioned before, working with the wonderful and dedicated employees, fellow volunteers and meeting the remarkable families that stay there has been a life changing experience for me. This unique nonprofit provides a real win-win for everyone. I’m so proud to work alongside you!

Footprints on Our Hearts

                                                                                 By Delyse Twitty

Delyse sitting outside of the Columbus Ronald McDonald House

Delyse sitting outside of the Columbus Ronald McDonald House

I truly believe that I’m one of the luckiest people in the world to be able to have my dream job. I’d often heard the saying, “Find something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”, but I wasn’t sure that it was actually possible.  In December I discovered that it was not only possible, but that the saying was 100% true.

My name is Delyse Twitty and I am a Family Services Manager at the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio. Words can’t even begin to describe the love that I have for my job. I always knew that I wanted to work at a nonprofit, and the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio was always my first choice.  The reality of this amazing organization is even greater than I ever dreamed that it could be.  The staff and volunteers are beyond wonderful, but it’s the families here that change your life.  Every family that stays here has their own story, their own unique set of circumstances and they each leave their own special set of footprints on your heart.  I treasure the time that I get to spend privately with each family and I cherish every moment that I work here.

I can honestly say that I wake up every day and feel completely blessed that I get to work around such great people. Every day here is an eye opening, heartwarming reminder that I’ve found my place in this world. I get to spend my days with the best staff, volunteers and families imaginable, and for that I am forever thankful. The Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio has truly changed my life.