Monthly Archives: December 2013

Magic at the Ronald McDonald House

Kate Ziegler, Volunteer Manager, with Ronald McDonald

Kate Ziegler, Volunteer Manager, with Ronald McDonald

by Kate Ziegler

I manage the Volunteer Program at the Ronald McDonald House, and feel so fortunate to work the volunteers who make the house a Home for over 3,000 families each year. My relationship with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio began two and a half years ago when having extra free time prompted me to start volunteering. I was taking a tour of the House as part of the volunteer orientation process and couldn’t quite wrap my mind around the fact that over 300 regular volunteers run the 80 bedroom house with the support of only 12 full-time staff members. I realized during that first tour of the House that I was witnessing something magical.

The Ronald McDonald House embodies the philanthropic spirit of our community members. The families who stay at the House are far away from their own communities while they dealing with the stresses of having an ill child. The moment these families walk through our doors, they are surrounded by volunteers who want to make their day a little easier. A previous guest of the Ronald McDonald House put her experience with us into words:

“I am a mom of a special child. I am always caring for my daughter’s needs and I run a household. STRESS! For the first time in almost eight years, I don’t feel that stress. Here at the Ronald McDonald House, you take it all away. It’s quite a place. I can think, rest, and breathe. You have done so much for us I can never say ‘thank you’ enough. I feel so at home and cared for. I know I am not alone. It feels very nice to be cared for. Your kindness and love will stay with us (me) always. You have touched our lives in ways you will never know. Please keep caring, loving, providing and support each family the same way you have done for my family. I will be forever grateful to each and every one here at the Ronald McDonald House.”

Each and every day, my spirit is renewed by the people who volunteer at the Columbus Ohio Ronald McDonald House. By coming together and donating their time, our volunteers form a community around these families that are so far from home. I am so excited to see the kindness, love and support our volunteers will continue to give to our families as our Ronald McDonald House grows.

Working at the Ronald McDonald House has strengthened my love of my own community and I am so grateful to be surrounded by these wonderful people!

All the small things…

Angie (3rd from left) with the RMHC of Central Ohio female staffers at 2013's A Toast to Tinseltown

Angie (3rd from left) with the RMHC of Central Ohio female staffers at 2013’s A Toast to Tinseltown

by Angie Hartley

During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is easy to forget the little things. Often we may take them for granted because they have always been there, but what happens when they no longer are?
Sometimes it’s the little things that are most important to our families. It’s a warm meal, clean clothes, comfortable bed, and friendly smile to help you get through the hard times. This is all made possible through the generosity of our community.

Each year we ask our the community to support the Ronald McDonald House any way they can, and each year I hear people say, “I know what I’m doing isn’t a lot, but I want to help.” What they don’t realize is they are helping in a big way! You don’t have to be a doctor, fireman, or superhero to make a significant difference in someone’s life. You just have to have the passion to give back however you can. For some, it may be through monetary or in-kind donations, and for others it may be through their time and talents, but for our families, your support means the world to them.

For nearly four years, I have had the privilege to work as the Development Director of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio. I know how important the Ronald McDonald House is to families of seriously-ill children and I have seen first-hand how generous our community is. Each day, we have volunteers who spend their time in the evening supporting our families after a long day of work. We have donors who generously give as they are able to support nights of rest for our families. And we have groups that have collected so many wish list items they come in by the carload. It is all of these things that help us make our House a home for our families. While some may say their actions are small, they are big to us!

As we come to the end of another year, I want to send a special thank you to everyone who supports RMHC. Thank you for donating your time, talents and treasures to make our House a home for families of seriously-ill children. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without each of you. I wish you all a Happy Holiday and best wishes for the New Year!